Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Case Study 009: Up With Donuts (in Pendleton, OR)

Site Name:      Up with Donuts
Site Address:  503 SE Dorion Ave
                        Pendleton, OR 97801 

For this field study, Josh and Lorna ventured out into the wild west of Pendelton, OR to experience how the cattle rustlers do doughnuts. There is only one purveyor of doughy goodness in the Pendleton, but boy is it a treat.

Do not bother asking where Up with Donuts got its name. It doesn't matter. It's too perfect. Up with Donuts is small town doughnut perfection. Just accept it.

Figure 1. Site Exterior

For evidence of UWD's greatness, refer to Figure 2. Note that this is a small town doughnut shop run by an extremely friendly Asian family... who hand-painted a doughnut Pegasus in front of a rainbow to welcome the locals. Oh, you think your neon windbreaker is cool? No, Up with Donuts is cooler than you will ever be.

Figure 2. Indicator of Openness

UWD has all the standard doughnut fare. They also have a selection of doughnuts featuring peanut butter, not often seen in other shops. All doughnuts are protected by these two good luck cats and a selection of foreign currency.

Figure 3. Site Interior
Josh got courageous on this one. Instead of going for a fritter, he opted for the Peanut Butter Butterfly. The Butterfly is basically a deep-fried cinnamon roll, but, instead of glaze, there is peanut butter chocolate frosting with peanuts sprinkled on top. Oh, and it's enormous. Josh was only able to eat half, and then he had to take a nap. And then he woke up and ate the rest. And then took another nap.

Figure 4. Josh's Sample

Lorna had a Bavarian creme. She reported the frosting was spot-on; the cream and dough were pretty standard. She says that the doughnuts were pretty good overall; nothing special, but definitely worth the visit.

Figure 5. Lorna's Sample

Overall, Up with Donuts is a doughnut lovers doughnut shop. The product is solid, the characters are quirky, and there is a smattering of signature items without trying to be cute or overdoing it (we're looking at you, Acme). If you happen to be moseying through Pendleton sometime, give yourself something to nap about.